Wilmington NC CPA Tax Preparation of IRS Form 1041 and NC A101 | Trust Scams

Gary Bode, CPA: we stay current on evolving Trust strategies. For a free initial phone consult on Form 1041, please consider calling us at 399-2705.

Some folks filing Form 1041 and NC A101 try innovative ways to work the loopholes in IRS and NC Department of Revenue tax code. IRS Regulations are open to . . . → Read More: Wilmington NC CPA Tax Preparation of IRS Form 1041 and NC A101 | Trust Scams

Where Do Estate Excess Deductions Go? | CPA in Wilmington NC offers explanation for Schedule K-1 of Form 1041

Gary Bode, CPA: if tax preparation of an Estate's Form 1041 gets worrisome, consider calling us at 399-2705 for a free initial consult.

I did my own tax preparation for Form 1041, but the Excess Deductions on Termination (Line 11A of Form 1041’s Schedule K-1) can’t be used on my personal Form 1040?

Background: Form . . . → Read More: Where Do Estate Excess Deductions Go? | CPA in Wilmington NC offers explanation for Schedule K-1 of Form 1041

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