We Prepare Tax Returns!

We prepare most type of tax returns:


S Corporation.

C Corporation.




Gary Bode, CPA is a Master's Degreed, nation wide accountant offering tax and business services. Member of AICPA and NCACPA. Our virtual office provides excellent service to long distance and international clients. Call (910) 399-2705 for a free phone consult.

Client Testimonials

I had a 1099-C for about $135,000. My husband didn't have any withholding on Social Security. His employer couldn't withhold due to incompetence. I felt utter dread wash over me. Memories of owing the IRS before were constantly on my mind. I called a local CPA. Besides being clueless, he wanted to charge me for every question I had about insolvency. I looked on line and found little hope of the countless stories of permanently disabled people like myself getting their student loans forgiven only to be asked to pay taxes on it as if it were income.
Somewhere, somehow, I find an article by Gary Bode. I bookmarked it for when it's time to do the actual taxes. With his excellent help in how to do all of this out of a virtual office I get my part of the work done. My questions got answered, for free. I give a retainer, do what I said I did and wait. I hear from Gary. I go into shock! How can this be? Not only do I not owe on the 135,000....Gary itemizes and after paying what was almost nothing in taxes we get $950.00 back! No more hubby doing the taxes online! I will use Gary Bode as long as he will agree to work with me!
It was so easy, no worries, but professional and top notch. I know I have thanked you Gary but I am so grateful. Thank you ever so much again!

Carla Bray

Free Consult

Even though Gary enjoys helping colleagues, we no longer provide free consults to other tax preparers. He's happy to consult on an hourly billing basis if our schedule allows.

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Tax Audit CPA discusses Currently Not Collectible IRS status | IRS Tax Form 433-F and Form CP-71 | IRS tax problems

The IRS has a Not Currently Collectible account status. It can buy some time. If you like what you read, consider calling for a free phone consult at (910) 399-2705. Our virtual office allows us to offer CPA services regardless of where you live.

Tax audit CPAs have tools available to help their Clients . . . → Read More: Tax Audit CPA discusses Currently Not Collectible IRS status | IRS Tax Form 433-F and Form CP-71 | IRS tax problems

Notice CP504, Notice of Intent to Levy, Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request | Federal Tax Lien CPA gives tips on the IRS collections and levy process

Notice CP504 begins Round 10 of the IRS collections and levy process. But you still a few punches left. Do you need a free consult with a federal tax lien CPA accountant? Call the number below. Our virtual office means we can help you with CP504 regardless of where you live. (910) 399-2705.

Federal . . . → Read More: Notice CP504, Notice of Intent to Levy, Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request | Federal Tax Lien CPA gives tips on the IRS collections and levy process

IRS Tax Notice CPA discusses IRS payment options: currently not collectible status, installment agreement and offer in compromise

It’s better not to owe any IRS tax, but here are a few tips if you do. (399) 399-2705.

Even the best IRS tax Notice CPA can’t always bring your tax bill down to zero. I’ll cover three ways to settle with the IRS if you can’t pay them completely at the moment:

. . . → Read More: IRS Tax Notice CPA discusses IRS payment options: currently not collectible status, installment agreement and offer in compromise

CPA Accountant discusses IRS Tax Form 9465 Installment Agreements | IRS payment plan

Use tax Form 9465 to setup an IRS Payment Plan. (910) 399-2705.

CPA accountants work every legitimate tax angle. But sometimes the Client owes tax and can’t immediately pay it. Tax Form 9465 is the IRS installment agreement application and sets up an IRS payment plan. I think many folks file Form 9465 themselves, . . . → Read More: CPA Accountant discusses IRS Tax Form 9465 Installment Agreements | IRS payment plan

IRS Notice CP504 CPA discusses IRS Liens and Levies | Back Taxes

An IRS Notice CP504 is serious. Take some immediate action to avoid an IRS tax lien and subsequent seizure of your assets. (910) 399-2705.

IRS Notice CP504 CPAs recognize 504 as the last stop before an IRS tax lien, shortly followed by a levy (seizure of your assets) or garnishment of wages. At the . . . → Read More: IRS Notice CP504 CPA discusses IRS Liens and Levies | Back Taxes

Back Tax CPA discusses IRS Notice CP501 | Wilmington NC | IRS Tax Audit

Gary Bode, CPA: we offer a free initial phone consult on IRS Notice CP501 or any back tax issue. Please call us at 399-2705.

IRS Notice CP501 welcomes you to the IRS Automated Collection System. They’ve probably already sent a IRS Notice CP2000 that proposed changes to a past tax return. Next the IRS . . . → Read More: Back Tax CPA discusses IRS Notice CP501 | Wilmington NC | IRS Tax Audit

Tax CPA explains 2013 Form 9465 and Form 9465-FS IRS Installment Agreements and Form 13844 | What if I can’t pay my taxes? | Form 433-F

Here are some tips for folks self-preparing Form 9465 to set up an Installment Agreement with the IRS. (910) 399-2705.

Tax CPAs often help set up Installment Agreements. Mostly through Form 9465 or Form 9465-FS. The IRS enforces a “pay as you go” system for collecting taxes, but some folks still come up short . . . → Read More: Tax CPA explains 2013 Form 9465 and Form 9465-FS IRS Installment Agreements and Form 13844 | What if I can’t pay my taxes? | Form 433-F

Back Taxes | Back Tax CPA offers Advice on handling un-filed Business and Personal Tax Returns | IRS Notices

Gary Bode CPA: here are some typical issues that factor into a back tax case. (910) 399-2705.

Here’s how one CPA approaches back taxes, un-filed tax returns and IRS Notices. Hi, I’m Gary Bode, a back tax CPA with a virtual office to serve you regardless of where you live.

Every Client is different, . . . → Read More: Back Taxes | Back Tax CPA offers Advice on handling un-filed Business and Personal Tax Returns | IRS Notices

Form 9465 CPA discusses IRS Installment Agreements | IRS Form 433-F, IRS Form 13844 and IRS Form 9465-FS

Gary Bode, CPA: think your IRS Installment Agreement through before submitting Form 9465. (910) 399-2705.

Like most creditors, the IRS allows Installment Agreements to pay off your debt through monthly payments. I’ll present a few procedural details and then offer some insight on the Installment Agreement process. Finally I’ll detail my usual advice for . . . → Read More: Form 9465 CPA discusses IRS Installment Agreements | IRS Form 433-F, IRS Form 13844 and IRS Form 9465-FS

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