By Gary Bode CPA, on January 6th, 2015% The IRS has a Not Currently Collectible account status. It can buy some time. If you like what you read, consider calling for a free phone consult at (910) 399-2705. Our virtual office allows us to offer CPA services regardless of where you live.
Tax audit CPAs have tools available to help their Clients . . . → Read More: Tax Audit CPA discusses Currently Not Collectible IRS status | IRS Tax Form 433-F and Form CP-71 | IRS tax problems
By Gary Bode CPA, on March 25th, 2013% Here are some tips for folks self-preparing Form 9465 to set up an Installment Agreement with the IRS. (910) 399-2705.
Tax CPAs often help set up Installment Agreements. Mostly through Form 9465 or Form 9465-FS. The IRS enforces a “pay as you go” system for collecting taxes, but some folks still come up short . . . → Read More: Tax CPA explains 2013 Form 9465 and Form 9465-FS IRS Installment Agreements and Form 13844 | What if I can’t pay my taxes? | Form 433-F
By Gary Bode CPA, on January 6th, 2013% Gary Bode, CPA: think your IRS Installment Agreement through before submitting Form 9465. (910) 399-2705.
Like most creditors, the IRS allows Installment Agreements to pay off your debt through monthly payments. I’ll present a few procedural details and then offer some insight on the Installment Agreement process. Finally I’ll detail my usual advice for . . . → Read More: Form 9465 CPA discusses IRS Installment Agreements | IRS Form 433-F, IRS Form 13844 and IRS Form 9465-FS