By Gary Bode CPA, on December 27th, 2014% Notice CP504 begins Round 10 of the IRS collections and levy process. But you still a few punches left. Do you need a free consult with a federal tax lien CPA accountant? Call the number below. Our virtual office means we can help you with CP504 regardless of where you live. (910) 399-2705.
Federal . . . → Read More: Notice CP504, Notice of Intent to Levy, Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request | Federal Tax Lien CPA gives tips on the IRS collections and levy process
By Gary Bode CPA, on July 19th, 2014% If you have concerns with providing a back tax return for the IRS consider calling for a free phone consult. (910) 399-2705.
CPA back tax accountants get calls when a potential Client receives:
IRS Notice CP80, We credited payments and/or other credits to your tax account for the tax period shown on your notice. . . . → Read More: CPA back tax accountant discusses IRS Notices CP80, CP81 and CP88 | missing tax returns
By Gary Bode CPA, on June 12th, 2014% Ordering an IRS tax transcript with their new Get Transcript online tool is easy, at least sometimes. (910) 399-2705.
Amended tax return CPAs and banks often order IRS tax return transcripts. In 2014 more Folks use the IRS Get Transcript online tool to order a variety of IRS tax transcripts. I’ll over view that . . . → Read More: Amended Tax Return CPA discusses how to order an online IRS Tax Return Transcript | IRS Form 4506 | IRS Form 4506-T
By Gary Bode CPA, on May 11th, 2014% Gary Bode CPA: the IRS expects you to keep a current mileage log. (910) 399-2705.
Schedule C CPAs always deal with business auto expense for Sole Proprietors and SMLLCs (Single Member LLCs). Business mileage is often the largest Schedule C expense. I’ll discuss the both the standard mileage method and the actual expense method for deducting auto expense on Schedule C, Profit or Loss From . . . → Read More: Schedule C CPA Discusses 2014 Business Standard Mileage Expense Method, Actual Expense Method and Documentation | SMLLC
By Gary Bode CPA, on April 23rd, 2014% Most IRS Notices in the CP series don’t require a CPA. Please read my suggestions, on deciding when hiring a CPA is prudent. (910) 399-2705.
Even an IRS Notice CP CPA sees new IRS CP Notices sporadically. Why? The IRS just has so many of them. I’ll give you a few tips on how . . . → Read More: IRS Notice CP CPA discusses IRS CP Notice responses
By Gary Bode CPA, on March 2nd, 2014% Gary Bode, CPA: If you’re having problems with Form 4852, consider giving us a call for a free initial phone consult at 399-2705.
Payroll CPAs prepare IRS Form 4852 to substitute for Forms W-2, W-2c, and 1099-R when your boss does not provide one, or issues an incorrect one.
Form 4852, Substitute for Form . . . → Read More: IRS Form 4852 discussed by a Payroll CPA | Substitute for 2013 Form W-2
By Gary Bode CPA, on January 25th, 2014% Here’s a bad example of IRS Form 982 tax preparation involving Form 1099-A
Form 1099-A CPAs sometimes end up amending past cancelled debt tax returns. I hear lots of confusion about Form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property, through free consults, new Clients, website comments and other tax preparers.
I’m not implying I . . . → Read More: Form 1099-A CPA discusses an amazing Rental Real Estate Cancelled Debt case | Form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property, leads to $250,000 NOL
By Gary Bode CPA, on November 14th, 2013% IRS Notice CP 2000 marks the start of a low-level tax audit. Can you handle the response yourself? Sure. But call us for a free consult if or when you’re uncomfortable with the audit process. (910) 399-2705.
IRS Notice CP2000 CPAs expect the first 2012 Notices in November and December of 2013. IRS Notice . . . → Read More: IRS Notice CP 2000 CPA offers IRS tax audit tips | We Are Proposing Changes to Your Tax Return
By Gary Bode CPA, on October 25th, 2013% We handle payroll but try to make your Company as self-sufficient as you want it to be. Often we just train your staff, watch the payroll function for a few cycles and stand by as support if your Company needs it. Our virtual office provides responsive service regardless your Company’s location. For a free . . . → Read More: Payroll CPA | IRS Form 941 Payroll Tax Deposit Example | Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return
By Gary Bode CPA, on August 10th, 2013% Need a free consult on an IRS tax problem? (910) 399-2705.
IRS tax problem CPAs must understand the IRS rules to work all the angles for Client tax relief. Hi, I’m Gary Bode an IRS tax problem CPA with a virtual office. Sometimes the taxpayer wins when the IRS defaults because it made mistakes. . . . → Read More: IRS Tax problem CPA discusses how the IRS must follow its own Rules | IRS self help tax relief tips