By Gary Bode CPA, on January 2nd, 2015% In some cases it’s prudent to keep payroll accounting in-house. It’s certainly cheaper. I can help you decide about that. If the answer is yes, I can help set payroll up and then be available for support as required. (910) 399-2705.
I used a payroll tax CPA when I ran my first business, before . . . → Read More: Payroll Tax CPA answers what is Payroll Accounting? Can I be my own payroll accountant?
By Gary Bode CPA, on May 31st, 2014% We can teach your S Corp’s staff to handle payroll in-house. And then provide support if or when needed. (910) 399-2705
As an S Corp CPA, payroll tax compliance is the most common problem I see. And it has greater potential implications than just the IRS penalty. I’ll present an intermediate level IRS Form . . . → Read More: S Corp CPA discusses payroll tax withholding and deposits | late payroll federal tax Form 941 deposits and the IRS penalty
By Gary Bode CPA, on October 25th, 2013% We handle payroll but try to make your Company as self-sufficient as you want it to be. Often we just train your staff, watch the payroll function for a few cycles and stand by as support if your Company needs it. Our virtual office provides responsive service regardless your Company’s location. For a free . . . → Read More: Payroll CPA | IRS Form 941 Payroll Tax Deposit Example | Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return
By Gary Bode CPA, on January 5th, 2013% Gary Bode, CPA: I expect many companies will file Form 941-X in 2013. (910) 399-2705.
Payroll CPAs use Form 941-X, Form 941-X, Adjusted Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return or Claim for Refund, to correct errors in a prior Form 941. Since the IRS mofied Form 941 in 2013, we expect some companies will file . . . → Read More: Form 941-X CPA asks if you’ll need to correct the 1st Quarter 2013 Form 941 with Form 941-X?
By Gary Bode CPA, on December 28th, 2012% Gary Bode, CPA: Form 941 might seem complicated. But it’s just a set of processes; only the numbers change. (910) 399-2705.
I’ll provide an example for preparing IRS Form 941. Please see the Form 941 link below. I’m using the 4th Quarter of 2012 version, which is due January 31st, 2013. Lines 5a and . . . → Read More: Form 941 CPA offers an example Form 941 Preparation | 2013 Payroll Administration
By Gary Bode CPA, on January 16th, 2012% Gary Bode, CPA: try to avoid correcting payroll reports by getting them right on the first submission. For a free phone consult, contact us at 399-2705.
Every Form 941 CPA sees clients who need to correct their payroll reports with the IRS. The IRS has a special payroll tax form to modify previously submitted . . . → Read More: Form 941-X CPA explains how to Correct Form 941 | Payroll
By Gary Bode CPA, on January 1st, 2012% Gary Bode, CPA: tax regulations like this help keep CPAs in business. Sad but true. For a free phone consult, call 399-2705.
Most of the earlier payroll CPA postings on this website mention the stability of payroll taxes and related issues. But 2010, 2011 and now 2012 are in flux. I’ll discuss the Social . . . → Read More: Payroll CPA discusses the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Extension Form 941 for 2012 | Wilmington NC