By admin, on February 11th, 2011%
Gary Bode, CPA: NC taxation impacts your bottom line! If you'd like a gratis initial consult, give us a call at 399-2705.
NC seems to have lost a round in the battle with Amazon.com over collecting sales tax on their Internet sales, but the news reports are vague about the actual settlement. The ACLU was involved, . . . → Read More: Wilmington Accounting Firm discusses NC Sales Tax Issues
By admin, on November 19th, 2010%
Gary Bode, CPA: if you need a free initial consult with a Wilmington CPA firm well versed in NC DOR issues, including Sales Tax, please call us at (910) 399-2705.
NC Form E-500, Sales and Use Tax Return, and the accompanying schedule Form E-536, Schedule of County Sales and Use Taxes, can now be filed online . . . → Read More: Wilmington NC CPA advises online filing of NC E-500 | Sales Tax
By admin, on August 18th, 2010%
Gary Bode, CPA: if you'd like a free initial consult with a Wilmington NC accountant, please call us 399-2705.
Tax accountants think of Use Tax as a “purchased out of state” version of Sales Tax. NC made big news when it sued Amazon in an attempt to collect Sales Tax. Amazon countered by claiming compliance would violate their . . . → Read More: A Wilmington Accountant Discusses NC Use Tax
By admin, on August 13th, 2010%
The CPA for Wilmington NC Widgets, our sample company, presents on over view of NC Sales Tax
We’ll examine NC Sales and Use Tax from the perspective of the CPA for Wilmington NC Widgets, our example company. WNW primarily buys parts and raw materials, and then assembles them into custom production machines which are sold to . . . → Read More: A CPA in Wilmington NC Discusses Sales Tax