By admin, on March 17th, 2011%
Gary Bode, CPA: we follow IRS developments as part of the job. If you'd like a free initial consult with a Wilmington NC CPA and tax accountant, please give us a call at 399-2705.
As many Americans are in the middle of tax preparation, the IRS had some interesting developments.
$1.1 Million Paid to Enron Whistleblower
The IRS . . . → Read More: Wilmington NC CPA Firm comments on Interesting IRS Issues in March
By admin, on January 15th, 2011%
Gary Bode, CPA: Don't fall for scams offered by unscrupulous tax preparers - they all implode in the inevitable IRS tax audit
What’s better than a tax refund? Paying no taxes at all! That’s the pitch of unscrupulous tax preparers luring in foolish or greedy tax payers. Star News, the Wilmington NC newspaper, ran a wire story . . . → Read More: Wilmington CPA asks “What’s Better than a Tax Refund?”
By admin, on August 20th, 2010%
Even the best small business accounting software can't prevent all fraud. For a free initial consult, please call us at (910) 399-2705.
Let’s look at QuickBooks and fraud from the perspective of the CPA for Wilmington NC Widgets, our demo company. My first post on QuickBooks and fraud drew a lot of attention, so, here are . . . → Read More: A CPA in Wilmington NC discusses QuickBooks and Fraud
By admin, on August 9th, 2010%
The most unique story of bookkeeper fraud this Wilmington NC CPA has seen, or heard!
Here’s the most unique bookkeeping scam this we’ve has ever seen in New Hanover County. The case made the front page of Star News when she was convicted. Three year sentence as I recall. Happened in maybe 1997 or so.
I knew this . . . → Read More: Bookkeeper Fraud: a case study by a Wilmington CPA
By admin, on August 3rd, 2010%
Subtle Aspects of Embezzlement Protection: using Wilmington NC Widgets and its CPA as examples.
You only have to read the StarNews or watch WRAL here in fantabulous Wilmington, NC to recognize assets need protection. CPAs occasionally see embezzlement cases. What usually strikes me in these cases is not the monetary loss, but the sense of betrayal . . . → Read More: Subtle Aspects of Embezzlement and Misappropriation Prevention
By admin, on June 28th, 2010%
Expert QuickBooks Setup and Training: please call us at (910) 399-2705 for a free initial consult
Intuit QuickBooks didn’t become the accounting software industry leader by accident. There are other successful programs out there, but these flourish in companies large enough to have their CPAs on staff, or as their CFOs. In another Wilmington NC CPA . . . → Read More: Wilmington Accountant discusses Intuit QuickBooks and Fraud