We Prepare Tax Returns!

We prepare most type of tax returns:


S Corporation.

C Corporation.




Gary Bode, CPA is a Master's Degreed, nation wide accountant offering tax and business services. Member of AICPA and NCACPA. Our virtual office provides excellent service to long distance and international clients. Call (910) 399-2705 for a free phone consult.

Client Testimonials

When my business partner and I found ourselves in a land investment that was abandoned by the developers, we had no reasonable economic choice but to walk away from our mortgage loan. While we understood that there would likely be tax consequences, the magnitude of our exposure was not fully anticipated. Thankfully, Mr. Bode was able to work with us to strategize a defensible tax position and mitigate the tax implications of our investment loan abandonment. I would recommend that anyone facing an investment loss that has tax implications due to debt forgiveness give Gary a call. It is always best to fully understand the circumstances and the tax rules and related options before paying a hefty bill. Thanks Gary!

Brian D. - CPA

Free Consult

Even though Gary enjoys helping colleagues, we no longer provide free consults to other tax preparers. He's happy to consult on an hourly billing basis if our schedule allows.

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Form 1099-C tax accountant comments on Form 1099-C instructions, Form 982 instructions, Form 8582 instructions and Form 4797 instructions | landlord rental property issues | example of tax preparation for a rental property foreclosure

The problem isn’t the Form 982 instructions, the Form 1099-C instructions, the Form 1099-A instruction, or IRS Publication 4681. The problem lies in the often contradictory underlying tax regulations. For free consult call (910) 399-2705.

“As a Form 1099-C CPA tax accountant I sometimes feel like an average landlord should be able to prepare . . . → Read More: Form 1099-C tax accountant comments on Form 1099-C instructions, Form 982 instructions, Form 8582 instructions and Form 4797 instructions | landlord rental property issues | example of tax preparation for a rental property foreclosure

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