Gary Bode, CPA is a Master's Degreed, nation wide accountant offering tax and business services. Member of AICPA and NCACPA. Our virtual office provides excellent service to long distance and international clients. Call (910) 399-2705 for a free phone consult.

Client Testimonials

I used Gary’s services to file my 2012 income tax return. This was my first year having an accountant do my return, as I have always done it myself using TurboTax. However, this year I had cancelled debt from my old primary residence which I was forced to convert to a rental property after relocating out of state.

While it didn’t cost me anything to do the short sale, the income tax consequence from the cancelled debt, roughly $50,000 in my case, was enough to move me from the 15% tax bracket to the 25% tax bracket. Needless to say, I was concerned about that.

Finances were already tight and my husband and I are expecting our first child this fall. So the possibility of owing income tax was stressing me out. However, Gary was great at relieving my fears.

He is extremely knowledgeable, answered all my questions and was very thorough. I knew I was in good hands. He kept in constant contact with me throughout the process, keeping me updated on the progress of my return and letting me know what paperwork he needed to complete my filing.

In my mind, best case scenario would have been to not owe any taxes. Second best would be to only owe a little. Well, you can imagine my surprise and delight when Gary told me I was actually due a refund of a little over $2,700.00!

To top it all off, I found Gary’s fee for service to be fair, competitive and affordable; especially given the complexity of this type of return. I am so glad I did not try and go it alone this year. I am extremely pleased with Gary’s service and would recommend him highly to anyone, in fact I already have. If you have cancelled debt from a short sale or foreclosure, don’t freak out. Take a deep breath and call or email Gary. I am grateful I did.

Angie Falke of Holiday, FL

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Wilmington NC CPA FAQ

Gary Bode, CPA: I want you to understand what we do and how we dot it. (910) 399-2705.

Hi, I’m Gary Bode, a CPA with a virtual office to serve you regardless of your, or your company’s, location. Here’s the FAQs, in no particular order.

Why can’t a CPA tell me exactly what my tax preparation will cost?

Clients naturally want a concrete figure for fees. But, for a new client, that’s difficult without having complete information about your company’s situation. For example hundreds of potential issues exist on Form 1065 or 1120S, even if the company keeps a clean set of books. For an existing client, we can guarantee a price based on last year’s work and known changes for the current tax year.

Ultimately, we base our fees on time or a price per Form or Schedule.

Some CPA’s will give a fixed price, but it’s usually based on a worst case scenario. For example I lost a back tax S Corporation client because I wanted to check his records before committing to a fee. While I was looking over his documentation, he engaged with a CPA for complete services of $5000, up front. Our fee would have been $3700-$3900, paid in installments.

I don’t live in NC. How can I use your services?

Obtaining long distance and international clients was a pleasant result of our website. Over time we’ve put together a virtual office so we can serve you, wherever you live. Another surprise is that local clients find the virtual office more convenient. The CPA license is now a national license.

How do you know all the State rules?

Well, we don’t. No one does. But we know the questions and how to find answers. Sometimes it’s just a matter of calling your State’s Department of Revenue, or researching their website. On large cases we might consider partnering with a CPA firm well versed with issues in your State.

What is a retainer and how does that work?

In some cases we ask for money up front; a retainer. Then we bill against the retainer as work progresses. Why? With back tax cases, for example, the IRS and State may place a lien on the company. So we figure you’d pay us if you could, but you might be in a financial position where you can’t. So we collect in advance. We refund any remaining retainer of course.

What does your free CPA phone consultation cover?

Generally we’ll talk with you about your concerns up to 15 minutes or so. I try to be as helpful as possible. Often that clears whatever hurdle the client has and they move forward without us. Sometimes we ask for a specific document by fax, and talk a second time. We don’t provide specifics during the free consultation, because there is seldom enough information to do so. We also don’t try to sell you services. Why? We don’t want potential clients to feel pressured. But of course, all new clients engage us after the free consult.

Why do you require an Engagement Letter?

We want you to understand what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and how you’ll be charged. I think of it like a Consent Form at the hospital, except I encourage you to read it!

Why doesn’t your fee cover subsequent IRS or State notices?

Well, our fees cover services performed now. An IRS notice doesn’t mean there’s a mistake on your return. The IRS randomly audits 1% of returns to establish their internal benchmarks. In back tax cases for example, the IRS and State may take months to process them all, often resulting in annoying, overlapping and disconcerting Notices. One recent example involved a professional C Corporation. The State inadvertently misposted their Franchise Tax payment. I mean it was buried deep in their system. This wasn’t the client’s fault. It wasn’t our fault. But it took time to fix.

Why can’t you do my return while I wait?

This is a convenience feature of the national tax chains. But they only handle low-level personal taxes. We generally handle more complex returns that require more documentation or tax strategies. We occasionally prioritize a case when the timeline (e.g. the IRS or State) demands it.

Does your Master’s Degree help me?

Many CPAs don’t have a Master’s Degree. In some cases, yes the advanced credentials make a difference. But I try to distinguish the firm through customer service.

Does your experience help me?

Well the website surprisingly carved out a few niches for us. Like expatriate taxation, rental property and Form 982 preparation. It seems like we handle more of those cases than the average brick and mortar CPA. I’ve taught or tutored folks for decades, so I’m perhaps better able to explain tax issues to you in English, not Financialese. Plus I’ve worked as a CFO and Controller which helps me understand your company’s logistics and environment.

What are common complaints about the previous CPA or accountant?

Well it’s generally not because of any errors!

  • They say a CPA solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you can’t understand. I wouldn’t appreciate that if I was a client, so I work hard to allow clients to understand everything they want to understand.
  • Responsiveness. The CPA was too busy to return calls or e-mails. I saw the same problems when I worked for brick and mortar CPA practices. So I encourage communication. We try to provide updates. There’s no sense in stressing a client when a few minutes can ease it.
  • The CPA didn’t want to listen to their story. I’m not saying we don’t have time pressures in our firm, but I think the client often helps with information if allowed to do so.
  • The CPA didn’t shield Client from IRS or State stress. I understand the stress involved with some situations, like a tax audit, and try to shield clients as best I can.
  • CPAs are too expensive. Our virtual office keeps our prices lower than the national average. And I’m a bit different about what work we do. For example there’s no sense for you to pay us $300 to fight a $150 penalty. We have plenty of work and I’m more comfortable with a long-term relationship with clients.


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