By Gary Bode CPA, on July 30th, 2013% Which method of calculating the IRS home office deduction on Form 8829 is best? It depends. We’ll calculate it both ways each year to help maximize the deduction. (910) 399-2705.
The new IRS simplified option for home office deduction is available for Schedule C filers staring in tax year 2013.
It allows deducting $5 . . . → Read More: Schedule C CPA accountant provides an example for the IRS 2013 Simplified Option for Home Office Deduction | IRS tax Form 8829 | Rev Proc 2013-13
By Gary Bode CPA, on May 30th, 2013% Business office in the home? Here’s a case study demonstrating the home office deduction for both Form 8829 and the new 2013 option. (910) 399-2705.
Most Schedule C Clients have an office in the home. The home office deduction calculation, on Form 8829, is complex and includes potential issues when you sell the home. . . . → Read More: Office in the Home | Schedule C CPA demonstrates the tax deduction for home offices | a new 2013 option to calculate the home office deduction without using Form 8829