By Gary Bode CPA, on August 16th, 2014% I’ll address common misconceptions about cancelled debt tax reporting, Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, and Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes. I offer a free debt cancellation consult. (910) 399-2705.
As a Form 982 CPA I’ve talked with hundreds of Folks dealing with a Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, so far in 2014. Probably . . . → Read More: IRS tax Form 982 CPA tax accountant discusses Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt
By Gary Bode CPA, on July 7th, 2014% In 2014 the insolvency exclusion of Form 982 is the only way to keep a homeowner’s cancelled debt from becoming taxable income. I offer a free consult on the tax consequences of debt forgiveness. (910) 399-2705.
As a cancelled debt CPA tax accountant I’m fielding proactive calls seeking tax positioning advice for a potential . . . → Read More: Cancelled Debt CPA tax accountant discusses insolvency tax positioning | Insolvency Exclusion | tax Form 1099-C instructions and Form 982 instructions
By Gary Bode CPA, on July 1st, 2014% A rental real estate CPA looks at prior tax returns for common errors. I offer a free rental property consult to landlords. (910) 399-2705.
Rental real estate CPA tax accountants always check back tax returns with new rental property Clients. I handled so many rental property cancelled debt cases that I became wary of . . . → Read More: Rental Real Estate CPA tax Accountant discusses common errors on Rental Property Schedule E and Form 8825 tax returns
By Gary Bode CPA, on June 23rd, 2014% Here’s some tips I’ve learned over the years as a cancelled debt CPA. I offer a free phone consult on Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, and Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes. (910) 399-2705.
As a cancelled debt CPA I’ve run across some unusual situations on IRS tax Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, and . . . → Read More: Cancelled Debt CPA tax accountant discusses unusual problems with IRS tax Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, and IRS Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes
By Gary Bode CPA, on June 14th, 2014% The most common error I see when amending a Schedule E landlord’s tax return is not deducting previously disallowed rental losses when the rental property gets sold. I offer a free phone consult on any rental real estate tax issues. (910) 399-2705.
In 2014, rental real estate CPAs still see plenty of rental property . . . → Read More: Rental Real Estate CPA discusses previously disallowed rental losses for active participation upon rental property short sale, foreclosure or abandonment | IRS Schedule E and Publication 527
By Gary Bode CPA, on May 22nd, 2014%
We take an integrated approach to cancelled debt tax preparation when there’s state income tax involved. For a free phone consult please call (910) 399-2705.
Cancelled debt CPAs are pleased the Senate Finance Committee passed a bill to extend the discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness exclusion of Form 982, Reduction of Tax . . . → Read More: Cancelled Debt CPA discusses 2014 Discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness of IRS Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes | Insolvency may still be the answer
By Gary Bode CPA, on April 16th, 2014% Any additional collection trick is welcome when it comes to chasing down deadbeat customers. Leveraging the debt against Form 1099-C and Form 982 could help negotiations. (910) 399-2705.
As a Form 1099-C CPA I was impressed when a new Client told me this collection trick.
Every business eventually has deadbeat customers. You have to . . . → Read More: Using IRS Form 1099-C as a Collections Tool : threatening deadbeat customers with the IRS
By Gary Bode CPA, on March 22nd, 2014% You don’t always have to re-file to include Form 982. With an IRS Notice CP2000 sometimes just providing Form 982 does the trick. For a free consult on cancelled debt call (910) 399-2705.
Re-filing an earlier tax return to include IRS Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes, is the most common reason I . . . → Read More: How do I refile to include Form 982? | insolvency and cancelled debt CPA discusses amending tax return with IRS Form 1040X
By Gary Bode CPA, on February 27th, 2014% The IRS thinks Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, is Gospel. But sometimes you can challenge the date or amount owed. (910) 399-2705.
Cancellation of debt CPAs often see IRS Form 1099-C (s), Cancellation of Debt, that don’t reflect the underlying cancelled debt transaction well. Sometimes I challenge an aspect of the Form 1099-C with . . . → Read More: Cancellation of Debt CPA discusses challenging various aspects of Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, with the IRS
By Gary Bode CPA, on February 23rd, 2014% The IRS Insolvency Worksheet calculates “discharge of indebtedness to the extent insolvent (not in a title 11 case)” for Line 2 of Form 982. We prepare tax returns. Distance isn’t an issue because of our virtual office. (910) 399-2705.
Cancelled debt CPA tax preparers hear and read lots of confusion over the IRS insolvency . . . → Read More: IRS Insolvency Worksheet tips by Cancelled Debt CPA tax preparer